International Women’s Day – Joyce’s thoughts on Womenhood



International Women’s Day

Hello Girls. We’re being celebrated today !

Please just celebrate being you. We are all unique and we all bring something to the big party of life. The word Success means different things to all of us. For many it means being famous, for many it means being wealthy, the modern goal seems to be to have it all – be the perfect wife, mother, business women with beautiful home and car and the envy of all on Instagram and Facebook. Well think again. To strive for perfection is a recipe for unhappiness (in my mind). There’s nothing wrong with setting and achieving goals but be happy doing it. Failures will happen and there will be diversions en route. Be kind to yourself. Nothing worth having comes easily most of us have to fight for our goals and appreciate them all the more when we get there. Look at all the setbacks positively and be happy that you are who you are and just maybe you are not meant to follow the path you set out on. There will always be women with more – prettier, taller, richer, smarter but there will be a lot more women in the world with less so wherever you are on your journey be strong and have compassion for others. Don’t do to anyone what you wouldn’t want them to do to you. Listen so you can understand the other person’s point of view. Learn from people. It may be difficult accepting what they say but listen and grow. Never be put down or defeated by other men or women. Be strong and know your worth. If someone is a bully or nasty to you it is them that have the problem in their life and they are taking it out on other people.

There is so much pressure nowadays on women to achieve, put on us by ourselves. We are equal to men ,but I still like to have a door opened for me, I still like the little courtesies of male /female manners, don’t let the world force us into becoming so emancipated that we become like men. Celebrate being female, stay feminine, have empathy and compassion. We can’t be strong all the time its OK to show our emotions. That’s one of the many benefits of being a women we are much better at sharing our emotions than men and that is healthy for us. Bringing me to probably the first and most important job of all – we must do our level best to keep ourselves Healthy. Without good health all the rest pales into insignificance. Therefore in my mind success is being healthy, happy and loving,  nothing to do with fame or wealth which is the obsession of the modern world.

It’s so much fun being a woman. We get to dress up and make up and reinvent ourselves. It may be frivolous but we keep whole multi dollar industries alive in fashion, in cosmetics, in hairdressing. So what may seem vanity is actually keeping millions of people worldwide in employment so not so frivolous after all !

Let’s celebrate being female today after all would you really want to be a man ??


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Body Measurement Size Chart

Product Measurements

How to Measure

Size guide

1. Bust
Measure around your back and the fullest part of your bust

2. Waist
Measure the slimmest part below your ribs and above your navel

3. Hips
Measure around the fullest part of your hips

4. Height
Get someone to help you with this and measure from head to toe